Amid Sachin Sachin chant, the legendary batsman Sachin Tendulkar released the trailer of his film Sachin: A Billion Dreams in Mumbai on April 13. Directed by James Erskine, the movie is based on the life of ‘Master Blaster’. During the launch, besides Sachin, his wife Anjali Tendulkar too marked her presence to grace the occasion. “I had never thought that something like this will happen. I had always nurtured a dream to play for India. It was my dream since the age of 10 when I saw Kapil Dev’s team lifting the World Cup trophy. I too dreamt of lifting the cup for my trophy which was fulfilled later,” the 43-year-old cricket legend said.
The crowd cheered for the Bharat Ratna awardee as soon as he entered the theatre. After Mohammad Azharuddin and Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Sachin is the third cricketer in recent times who has a biopic. This movie has been dubbed in five languages including his mother tongue Marathi. Sachin said that although he speaks in Marathi at home, he has watched a lot of Hindi films. Narrating an incident, he said,”In childhood, I watched a film named Maa (starring Dharmendra) with my family. While travelling in a BEST bus, the conductor asked me for ticket. In a filmy tone, I said I wanted a ticket for Maa. That’s how movies influenced me,” the cricketer-MP said.
Sachin also told reporters about his love for Marathi movies like Thartharat and Ashi hi Banva Banvi where one can entertain yourself anytime . The much-awaited film will be released on May 26 in all theatres all over India and fans are excited to see Sachin’s personal life closely as this movie emphasis on small details of his life which are not revealed even in his autobiography Playing it My Way. The trailer of the film will be unveiled shortly.
Also read: Watch: Sachin Tendulkar has a message for BIKERS, says HELMET DALO
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