If there is one father-son duo of Bollywood that never ceases to amaze us with their adorableness, it is Shah Rukh Khan and his youngest son AbRam. Paparazzi never misses a chance to snap them together and the moment Shah Rukh starts speaking about AbRam, it gives enough fodder to tabloids to talk about for days. Keeping up with the way they have awed viewers with their adorable nature, Shah Rukh and AbRam did the same thing in a new video, although unknowingly.
A video of Shah Rukh and AbRam surfaced on the Internet in which the little one complained of hurting this ‘tumb’ (Yes! That’s how he said thumb), The way Shah Rukh Khan nursed his son’s wound was another highlight of the video.
The members of TVF (The Viral Fever) who were present in the room too were all smiles seeing them.
Also read: VIDEO: Daddy Shah Rukh Khan relearns this game from AbRam
Since his birth, AbRam has always been on SRK’s side. Their frequent outings together always hogged limelight and looks like AbRam has got used to all this attention. In a recent interview, SRK revealed that AbRam wanted to be a part of all the photos. He said:
I was at the airport, had to get back from Dubai and there were lots of people taking pictures with me. So, I said let me stand here, finish the pictures and board the plane and he wanted to be part of every picture. Halfway through, Ravi (bodyguard) just took him away but he got so disturbed. He said ‘You’re not allowing to me take pictures’. He speaks a lot. He has also been giving me lowdown on demonetisation now
Also read: Isn’t Shah Rukh Khan’s recent family picture too gorgeous to be true?
Well, AbRam we also want to see you in all of Shah Rukh’s pictures. Here is the recent video of them that has got Internet talking.
what a lovely video this is!! #SRK #AbRam pic.twitter.com/t3GqAAW6rx
— K (@Krati_T08) January 30, 2017
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