Alia Bhatt’s singing qualities do not need an introduction. The actor has won a lot of hearts with her melodious songs. In her latest video, the 24-year-old actor has sung the latest version of popular song Ae Zindagi Gale Laga Le from the 1983 film Sadma starring Kamal Hassan and Sridevi. Although the video has raked in around a lakh views, but it isn’t her best. Seriously.
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The video features Alia in a double role, one herself and the other her character Kaira from the film. While the actor dances to the song sung by her, Kaira films the song with her camera. It should be mentioned that Alia plays a cinematographer in the film directed by Gauri Shinde. The highlight of the song is Alia imitating her co-star Shah Rukh Khan’s classic pose. However, it was better that she had avoided singing this song.
Prior to the film’s release, the makers of Dear Zindagi had unveiled the male version of the song sung by Arijit Singh. The video fetched more than five million views on YouTube and generated a lot of buzz.
Dear Zindagi received mostly positive reviews following its release on November 25. The chemistry between Alia and SRK has been appreciated by both the viewers and critics.
It is not the first time when Alia has lent her voice for a song. She shot to limelight for her song Samjhawaan in 2014-hit Humpty Sharma ki Dulhaniya opposite Varun Dhawan. She received accolades for the song, which was appreciated by the music lovers.
Recently, Alia earned a lot of appreciation f0r her song Ikk Kudi from the song Udta Punjab which hit the theatres this year. The duet with popular Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh earned a lot of appreciation.
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