Karan Johar’s Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham was all about loving their parents. One of the biggest hits of Bollywood, the movie boasted of an ensemble cast namely Kajol, Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan, Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan. But there was another Bachchan in the cast, who went unnoticed because his scene was deleted. Abhishek Bachchan did a cameo in this mega hit and the clip of his scene has surfaced on the Internet.
Now if you have seen K3G (if you have not, go watch), you would remember how Kareena made Poo aka Pooja a popular character. The girl from Chandni Chowk who became a fashionista after she moved to London, gained immense fame. So much so, that K3G has off late started being known as Poo’s story than anybody else’s.
This deleted clip from the film is an extension of the same. Do you remember how Poo tried to woo Rohan when he came to London? She didn’t leave any chance to gain his attention through her manners and style. But apparently, Poo ran into Abhishek Bachchan as well during the movie. Mistaking Abhishek as just another guy from her college who wanted to take her out on prom, Poo told Abhishek she wasn’t interested. When he didn’t ask!
Also read: Here’s what Kajol has to say about fallout with Karan Johar and her kids Bollywood debut
The clip is damn interesting and funny and we would really have loved if it was in the film. Apart from Poo and Rohan, the clip also features the beloved couple of Rahul and Anjali. And as movie history has it, whenever they come in proximity of each other, they just can’t stay away from fighting. This clip will definitely force you to re-watch the movie.
Also read: Kareena Kapoor Khan to work with BFF Karan Johar after Veere Di Wedding?
Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham released in 2001 and is still one of the most-loved movies of all times all thanks to the memorable characters and heart-touching story line.
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