Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif are all set to reunite for the silver screen again in the upcoming movie Tiger Zinda Hai. Ahead of the movie’s release, a picture from the sets has surfaced in which Katrina Kaif photobombs Salman Khan’s image. A look at the picture and it seems that Salman Khan is not too pleased with Katrina’s act.
This picture, that is bound to go viral, was shared on Instagram by Ali Abbas Zafar. The image will definitely make all fans of Salman and Katrina happy. “A very serious Katrina kaif and super focused @BeingSalmanKhan on the set of @TigerZindaHai #behind the scenes. Friday Feelings :)”, is how Ali Abbas Zafar captioned the image.
Tiger Zinda Hai is undoubtedly one of the most awaited films of this year. The movie is currently being shot in Dubai. For the Abu Dhabi slot, it is learnt that more than 150 people are working on the construction of a massive set in the city. The team had built the set for Star Wars in the city four years ago. The 65-day shooting schedule will kickstart from May 4 which involves both Salman and Katrina. Given the massive budget, it is likely that the climax of the much-awaited film will take place in the Middle East.
“Tiger Zinda Hai is a film of sizeable scale and context. Abu Dhabi, with a variety of locations, and gracious hosts, is ideal for shooting a film like this one. I hope that the entire unit will enjoy our time here,” Salman Khan had said about the movie.
“Tiger Zinda Hai shifts to different locations across the globe, and Abu Dhabi fits in perfectly with our story. Additionally, it provides all the comforts and conveniences that a film unit needs. I look forward to shooting in eye-catching locations and on the impressive set here,” Katrina had said.
Also read: Salman Khan’s Tiger Zinda Hai gets Star Wars touch. Find out how
Well, now this new click has definitely made us more excited for this movie. Check out the still here:
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