Akshay Kumar, who is currently gearing up for the release of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, revealed that using the word toilet is a taboo in our country and hopes that his film manages to bring about a change in the mindset. The actor, in an interview for the film promotions said that people in India have started using the term ‘toilet’ and ‘sandas’ without apprehensions.
“The trailer has just come but I know that people have openly started using the word ‘toilet’ and ‘sandas’. To be honest when I had to say that line ‘Biwi Wapas Ghar Aye Na Aye, Sandas Toh Main Laa Kar Hi Chodhunga’, people on the sets were actually discussing if I should say the dialogue or no. So it was a very taboo thing, but I didn’t find it taboo at all as it is a must. Who doesn’t go to toilet? If you are talking about a subject like this, you should speak about it openly,” said Akshay.
The actor also revealed that he isn’t worried about the Box Office collections of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha and would soon talk with the producers of the film to reduce the ticket rates so that it can grab more eyeballs. He says,
“I am not bothered about what the collection is going to be. I am bothered about the eye balls. I would love it if the producers are able to bring down the ticket rates as that would grab more eye balls.”
Directed by Sree Narayan Singh, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha is slated to release on August 11. The movie also stars Bhumi Pednekar, Anupam Kher and Divyendu Sharma in lead.
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