Shah Rukh Khan’s promotional strategy for Raees did not go as expected. To catch a glimpse of the superstar, a huge crowd gathered at the Vadodara railway station that led to the death of one person in a minor stampede. The person suffered from a cardiac arrest and died of breathlessness at the station. When SRK learnt about this, he said that the incident was quite unfortunate and his prayers are with the demised. To control the massive crowd at the station, the police is alleged to have resorted to lathicharge as well.
According to the latest development in this matter, a kin of the deceased person told news agency ANI that the man was not at the station to meet SRK. He said that his kin went to meet someone but the police started lathicharge. He soon fell down and died.
Also read: One dead, two injured during Shah Rukh Khan’s Raees promotions in Vadodara
The 51-year-old superstar boarded the August Kranti Express yesterday from Mumbai to Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station in Delhi. After covering cities like Andheri, Borivili, Wapi, Valsad, Surat, Baruch, Baroda, Ratlam, Kota, Sawai Madhopur and Mathura, the Raees team arrived in Delhi amid huge fan gathering. SRK was accompanied by producer Ritesh Sidhwani, director Rahul Dholakia, and actress Sunny Leone on the train.
Since the commencement of the journey, King Khan had been sharing on social media bits and pieces from his ride. He tweeted photos of the massive crowd that had gathered. This hints that this unfortunate incident could have been avoided if proper planning would have been employed by the authorities.
While no one from the authority has broken silence on the matter, here is what SRK said abut it:
Its unfortunate, my prayers are with the family of the deceased (died during commotion): SRK at Hazrat Nizamuddin railway station #Raees
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 24, 2017
In a fresh development to the matter, here is what the kin of the deceased told ANI:
He was not there to see SRK,had come to meet someone but police started lathi-charge&he fell: Kin of person killed during in Vadodara #Raees
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 24, 2017
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