Director Kabir Khan has teamed up with Salman Khan for the third time in Tubelight, a movie set in the backdrop of Indo-Sino war. The movie has been largely shot in Kashmir but the last leg couldn’t be completed there due to political turbulence in the state. Now, not to hamper the continuity of the film Kabir is said to recreate a part of Kashmir in Mumbai itself.
Reports in the media suggest, that Kabir Khan has set up an army base camp at a suburban film studio in Mumbai. The schedule is expected to go on for a month with actors Salman, Sohail Khan and Mohammed Zeeshan joining in. The last leg of shooting is expected to go on floors on 8 January.
Another reason why Kabir had to settle for Mumbai is because of the busy schedule of Salman. Reports are rife that Kabir was assured by forces that his shooting won’t be hampered as they would provide them adequate security. But since Salman is busy hosting the reality TV show Bigg Boss 10, he preferred to not go for an outdoor shoot. Earlier he used to travel to Kashmir during weekends but is unwilling to do it now.
Also read: Despite injuries and age, Salman Khan continues to do action films. Here’s why
In Tubelight, Salman Khan will play the role of a good-hearted but incredibly stupid man, who takes too much of time to register things that are happening around him. He will romance Chinese actress Zhu Zhu in this movie. Slated for a release in Eid this year, the box office expectations from this movie are already high.
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