Salman Khan’s upcoming film Tubelight will hit the theatres on June 23. There is a lot of excitement among the fans who are eagerly waiting for their superstar to take the Box Office by storm. Now, we hear that the film might release in Pakistan. However, it is yet to be seen whether the government in our neighbouring country gives a green signal to the film or not.
“Salman has a huge following in Pakistan, which has only grown with the positive messaging on Bajrangi Bhaijaan,” Amar Butala, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Salman Khan Films, said in a press release.
However, there are reports that Salman’s big Eid release might face hurdles as the film distributors in Pakistan want no competition to local films Yalgaar and Shor Sharaba that will release around the festival.
“We hope to release Tubelight in Pakistan as well, and our efforts continue in that direction, but we respect the law of the land and judiciary if they decide otherwise,” Butala added. It should be noted that Salman has a huge fan following in Pakistan, and his films have done exceptionally well at the Box Office there. His 2016 release Sultan earned a whopping Rs 37 crore while Bajrangi Bhaijaan raked in Rs 23 crore.
Also read: Baahubali 2, PK and more: Top 10 highest grossing Indian movies at Pakistan Box Office
Directed by Kabir Khan, Tubelight features Salman Khan, Sohail Khan, late Om Puri and Mohammad Zeeshan Ayyub in pivotal roles. It marks the Bollywood debut of Chinese actress Zhu Zhu while child artiste Matin Rey Tangu plays Salman’s friend. Shah Rukh Khan does a cameo in the film.
Also read: Meet Matin Rey Tangu, the little boy from Itanagar who is now Salman Khan’s friend in Tubelight
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