Zaira Wasim rose to fame with Aamir Khan’s blockbuster film Dangal. The actress, who played the role of young Geeta Phogat is now gearing up for the release of her next Secret Superstar. Featuring Aamir Khan, this film will mark the second Bollywood outing of the duo together. Secret Superstar features Zaira in the role of Insiya, a young girl who aspires to be a singer. Reportedly, the young actress has put in a lot of efforts to do justice to her character.
A video shared by Aamir Khan on his Facebook page shows Zaira narrating her journey from Dangal to Secret Superstar. Sharing her experience, Zaira revealed that while Nitesh Tiwari directorial was physically challenging, this Advait Chandan’s has been mentally challenging.
Also Read: I wanted Aamir Khan to drop Zaira from Dangal and let me launch her, says Secret Superstar director
Dangal was physically more challenging, but Secret Superstar was mentally and emotiionally more challenging.
While talking about why she chose to learn how to play the guitar, she said:
When I was taken onboard, the first thing that came to me that was Insia writes her own songs. She also sings so well. She also plays the guitar. I obviously can’t learn to sing. I didn’t need to write the lyrics either. But the two things I had that I could experiment with and that I had to work on was acting and the guitar.
To look real on-screen the actress also spent a lot of times with singer Meghna Mishra. Taking about the same, she said.
I would go to her daily to rehearse the song, so we would not miss out on anything.
Talking about a particular song Nachdi Phira, it was also revealed that when Meghna was singing the song in the studio, Zaira was also present just to see how Meghna was singing.
Directed by Advait Chandan, Secret Superstar is scheduled to release on October 19.
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