With all the recent hullabaloo over why Bollywood wasn’t speaking out against the political unrest across the country, actor Geetika Vidya Ohlyan came up with her own form of protest. Participating in the newcomer’s roundtable, hosted by Rajeev Masand, Ohlyan sported writing on her hands that read #CAA?, Unnao and Jamia?
This the video of it if anyone is asking.https://t.co/WBQFybl76M
— Gryffin (@youphemise) January 1, 2020
The actor, who had been invited on the roundtable for a compelling debut in Ivan Ayr’s Soni, exhibited to her counterparts that they could be sensitive to the every man’s trouble, and gently nudge the government about its actions. Where Ohlyan’s high-profile colleagues have either chosen to remain mum on the issue of the nationwide anti-CAA protests, some have limited their compassion to a carefully-worded tweet (read: press release).
On the roundtable, Ohlyan mentioned how this was something that was important to her, and hence something she thought she should show up with in her prime time debut. She said that she hoped the Unnao survivor got justice (the accused has since been given a life sentence) and that we were kinder to each other.
Ananya Pandey complaining about nepotism and Sidhant Chaturvedi ending her existence with one line look at her reaction lol pic.twitter.com/hX2R7Jc1F7
— Devdas (@shahrukhdevdas) January 1, 2020
Another clip from the roundtable is going viral, where Ananya Panday can be seen defending her ample means of getting into the industry. That’s when Siddhant Chaturvedi (from Gully Boy) presents with a gem of a line that can roughly translated to – “where our (outsiders) dreams are fulfilled, their (star kids) struggle begins…”
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