Prabhas and Anushka Shetty starrer Baahubali: The Conclusion continues to shatter several records at the Box Office in both India and overseas. As of now, the SS Rajamouli directorial has already crossed the Rs 1,500 crore mark worldwide. The film revolves around the fight between two brothers Amarendra Baahubali (Prabhas) and Bhallala Deva (Rana Daggubati) to the throne of the ancient kingdom of Mahishmati. Anushka Shetty plays Devasena, Amarendra Baahubali’s wife and mother to Mahendra Baahubali in both the instalments.
After the death of Amarendra Baahubali, Devasena is held prisoner by the new king Bhallala Deva for 20 years. As it is obvious, the warrior princess waits for someone to avenge the sufferings meted out at the hands of the ruler. But what if we tell you that Bhallala Deva and her nemesis Devasena were romantically involved with each other? Shocking, isn’t it? A viral video has the gorgeous Anushka Shetty sharing screen space with Rana Daggubati on the song ‘O O Re Raja’ from Baahubali 2.
The video has raked in around 3 million views and continues to be shared across all social media platforms. However, it is a video made by a fan of the successful film. Originally, the song is from 2015 Telugu blockbuster Rudhramadevi that featured Anushka Shetty playing the titular role of a warrior prince. She was paired opposite Rana Daggubati who played prince Chalukya Veerbhadra in the Gunasekhar directorial. Allu Arjun, Prakash Raj and Nithya Menon also played pivotal roles in this 3D historical fictional film. Check out the fan video here.
You can also check out the actual song from Rudhramadevi that inspired this fan video.
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