On Tuesday, actor Ajay Devgn released a power packed teaser of his upcoming film Baadshaho. The teaser of the film introduced six badasses of the film including Ajay Devgn, Emraan Hashmi, Esha Gupta, Sanjay Misra, Vidyut Jammwal and Ileana D’Cruz. But the main highlight was Sunny Leone’s cameo in the teaser. Sunny Leone and Emraan Hashmi’s sizzling on-screen chemistry grabbed everyone’s attention. But on a surprising note, the teaser of Baadshaho didn’t trend on the Youtube, which also left the viewers surprised.
Despite getting rave reviews from the film fraternity and audiences alike, youtube users are stunned with the fact that why Ajay Devgn’s Baadshaho was not trending. Some of the users also suggested that since it featured Sunny Leone and Emraan Hashmi’s in their never seen before avatar, Baadshaho teaser should be on the top.
This is the first time both Sunny and Emraan are working together for a film. Fans are already going crazy over the duo’s fresh pairing. They have praised for the two in the teaser. Apart from them, viewers also lauded Ajay Devgn’s avatar in the upcoming movie.
Also Read: Is Baadshaho based on Indira Gandhi’s raid on Jaigarh Fort during Emergency?
Directed by Milan Luthria, Baadshaho is slated to release on September 1 this year. The film also marks the comeback of Ajay, Emraan and Milan Luthria after a gap of seven years. They were last seen together in Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai.
Meanwhile, check out what the audiences have to say about Baadshaho teaser here:
Also Read: Baadshaho teaser: Ajay Devgn, Emraan Hashmi and Sunny Leone’s cameo give beyond expectations
Baadshaho, which is set against the backdrop of the Emergency period in the country, is produced by Luthria and Bhushan Kumar. Also featuring Vidyut Jammwal in a pivotal role, the audience will get to see him in a negative role. He was last seen in an action film Commando 2: The Black Money Trail opposite Adah Sharma.
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