At the Met Gala last year, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas showed up together, with the former dressed in a trench coat inspired by the size of Noah’s Arc. The two were dressed by Ralph Lauren, Chopra later explained to Jimmy Kimmel, when he wanted to know why they came to the Met together. The question isn’t unusual, since every celebrity pairing gets scruitinised to death. But what’s interesting is that even back then — when no photos of yacht outings and picnics had emerged — Kimmel couldn’t help but ‘joke’ about Jonas being far too young (“Isn’t he like 11 or something”) for Priyanka.
TL;DR: A 35-year-old showing up to a red carpet event with a 25-year-old raised eyebrows.
And that description counts for not just Priyanka and Nick, but the other rumoured couple B-Town can’t stop talking about, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.
How can @aliaa08 and Ranbir Kapoor be together? Alia is almost half the age of Ranbir. Must be a publicity stunt n nothing else. @chintskap
— Ayiarastar (@Ayiarastar) May 25, 2018
Something about Ranbir-Alia feels gross. There have been bigger age gaps in Bollywood relationships, but imagine dating a friend of a baby cousin you always see at family gatherings. That’s the closest equivalent to the close-knit nature of Bollywood I can think of.
— Bhaskar Chawla (@BhaskarSirius) May 31, 2018
why is ranbir dating alia………that age gap is so ugly
— irene (@ireneakranym) May 31, 2018
I can’t be the only one bothered by Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas is age difference __
— f. (@fvdumo) May 30, 2018
Of course the media will highlight his age and will write stuff like “Is 35yr old Priyanka C. dating 25yr old Nick J. ” damn I’m not even surprised _
— yaseeemin (@ysmxn_) May 30, 2018
I’m trying to calculate this age difference like _
— U BUM (@KyleeBeLike_) May 30, 2018
The ones mocking Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas dating rumours because of their age difference wouldn’t give a fuck if she was the younger one in the relationship.
— Neha Ramneek Kapoor (@PWNeha) May 30, 2018
Priyanka is older than nick .. SO WHAT ?? Ranbir is older than alia too n people say they look cute .. I am not pri fan but bashing over someone over something like age is just stupidity n jealousy.. WAY TO GO PRIYANKA DATE WHO YOU WANT
— Sana (@Sana1998_5) May 31, 2018
For you guys Priyanka & Deepika are India’s pride only when they do something in Hollywood, but when it’s about their love life they’re suddenly reminded about their ages? also, when alia was rumoured to be dating ranbir you never pin pointed his age. favoritism at it’s best ! _
— 8|10|18 (@buterahxart) May 30, 2018
Who the fuck r u to tell her what kind she needs? Ranbir is 35 Alia is 25, exact same age with PC & Nick. Soon y’all be telling her how to breathe.
— Johnny (@jhonnybrasco4) May 31, 2018
Just FYI… If I find anyone age shaming Priyanka Chopra for dating a younger man, I will bitchslap you with every article I can find about Alia and ranbir. It is exactly the same age difference…so sit down.
— Aishwarya S (@Hyper_aice) May 31, 2018
Whereas Priyanka and Nick have neither denied or confirmed the stories about them dating, Ranbir Kapoor responded to rumours linking him and Alia with this: “It’s really new right now, and I don’t want to over speak. It needs time to breathe and it needs space. As an actor, as a person, Alia is — what’s the right word? — flowing right now. When I see her work, when I see her act, even in life, what she gives is something that I’m aspiring to for myself. It’s new for us, so let it cook a bit.”
But perhaps the self-indulgent dramatics of the Internet, should not have come as much of a shock as it did. Just because it is 2018, that doesn’t mean we’ve all suddenly realised that people, even celebrities, can love who they please.
The aftermath of this interview has a been a world of editorials and a whole lot of social media posts either giddily wishing the couple or expressing shock over the age difference (Ranbir is 35, Alia is 25) between them. Which bring us to the next question: Why in the world are people this invested in who *should* date whom?
To quote a wise woman, ‘their business is their business, and none of your business.’
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