Aamir Khan starrer Dangal has set the Box Office in China on fire. Surging past the collections of India, Dangal has earned Rs 544 crore at the Box Office in the neighbouring country. Trade experts have gone as far as calling Dangal the game changer of Indian cinema in China. What Dangal has achieved, no other movie has including Baahubali.
The viewers in China are in awe of the movie, few who saw said the movie reminded him of their father. “His reticent love for us. I wanted to call him, say nothing, just cry, and cry like a river to release myself from my deep regrets,” a viewer told a Chinese newspaper. But, there are not only bouquets for the movie. A handful of people said the movie promoted patriarchy and said it was all about a father’s chosen future for his daughters.
Other than the little criticism it has got, Dangal is performing brilliantly in the country. So much so that viewers are pondering why filmmakers in China failed to make such a movie.
Such is the craze of Dangal that it has expanded Aamir’s popularity in the web circuit of China. His popularity in China shot up with the runaway success and now his Chinese microblogging website account has also crossed 5.86 lakh followers overtaking that of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. His account on Weibo, one of the most popular social websites in China, has received 5,86,591 followers.
Narendra Modi, who opened the account on Weibo in 2015 before his visit to China, was the most popular Indian with 1.69 lakhs followers. He still continues to update his post with China-related events. Khan’s account, called Amier Han, in Chinese, was opened last month ahead of the release of Dangal.
Well, Aamir Khan’s Dangal is indeed unstoppable and these statistics prove that his popularity is limitless.
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