The trailer of actor Aamir Khan’s Dangal is out. The actor, portraying the character of Haryanvi wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat, is back in a new avatar after 2 years. The Nitesh Tiwari directorial focuses on an emotional bond between father and daughter. In the trailer, it looks that Aamir has excelled both the roles — as a father and a wrestler. Based on wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat’s life, the film is an inspirational story of a Haryana wrestler who trains his daughters in the field to win an Olympic gold for India. The trailer shows Aamir training his daughters Geeta and Babita to wrestle and win gold for the country. The title track of the film fuses immense power in the story. Sung by Daler Mehndi, it raises to the beats and adds volume to the plot line of Dangal.
The three-minutes 25 seconds long trailer video also questions about the place of women in a society. It focuses on breaking the stereotypes around women. It also talks about the strict demarcation between the rules for men and women in a society. The trailer definitely gives a hint that Dangal is beyond wrestling. It’s about a family, a father who struggles along with his daughters to achieve his dreams and women who don’t care being type-casted as ‘less women’ by the society.
The trailer opens with Phogat wishing to have a son to fulfill his dreams — to win a gold medal for Indian in wrestling. But, the day he discovers that his daughters are no less than sons, he sets on a journey to train them. One of the many inspiring scenes in the trailer has Phogat telling his daughter “Silver jiti toh aaj nahi toh kal log tanne bhul javege, gold jiti toh misaal ban javegi… or misaale di jati hai beta, bhuli nahi jati.” (If you won a silver gold, people might forget you sooner or later, but if you won gold, you will become a precedent and people will never forget you.)
The tagline of the film says, ‘Mhari Chhoria Chhoro se kum hai ke?’ which means – ‘Are my daughters any lesser than the boys?’. Produced by UTV, Dangal has been directed by Nitesh Tiwari and will be releasing in theaters on 23 December this year.
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