Danny Boyle, who imprinted Oscar glory in the mind of the average Indian with 2008’s Slumdog Millionare, is all set to release his latest film – Yesterday. Interestingly, there’s an actor of Indian-origin headlining the film. Again. After changing the life of Dev Patel with his Oscar-winning film, Boyle has now got Himesh Patel to shoulder the weight of his latest film. Based on the world’s last Beatles’ fan, the film looks like a feel-good fairy tale, much like the director’s 2004 film, Millions.
However, Danny Boyle isn’t the only reason why fans should look forward to this film. It is also the director’s first collaboration with celebrated English screenwriter, Richard Curtis. Responsible for iconic romantic comedies like Four Weddings & A Funeral, Notting Hill and Love Actually, Curtis is celebrated for making heartwarming romantic comedies. Boyle, on the other hand, is known for his hard-boiled, visceral style of filmmaking. And that’s why this might turn out to be the collaboration to watch closely.
Yesterday traces the journey of a struggling musician called Jack Malik, who wakes up one day to realise that no one actually remembers The Beatles. Needless to say, the musician goes around performing their songs, and is showered with praises including ‘the greatest songwriter in the world’.
Just like Millions, where Boyle used elements of fantasy to address serious issues like adolescents coming of age after their mother’s passing, one can expect that Yesterday will have its own philosophy on dealing with fame, money and love.
Here’s the trailer for Yesterday:
Yesterday releases on June 28, 2019.
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