The makers of the Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt starrer ‘Dear Zindagi’ have released the first song of the film titled ‘Love You Zindagi’. The song is picturised on Alia and SRK and explores the beautiful side of life. The light-hearted and warm track from the film is sung by singer Jasleen Royal. The beautiful track reminds us to love and live the life to the fullest. The chemistry between SRK and Alia looks super cute.
The song is composed by Amit Trivedi and the music adds a special kind of freshness to it. The song is about how you should relax and enjoy every moment of your life. Earlier, Alia Bhatt talked about the first song of the movie and said:
“The reason I am doing this so is because I love my Zindagi and I want you to love my Zindagi. I mean, I want you to love your Zindagi also, you must love your Zindagi. Loving Zindagi is very important and I am confusing you. So, right now, I think let’s just focus on loving Zindagi.”
The movie is one of the most anticipated movies of the year. The theme song is breezy and the storyline looks simple and beautiful. Moreover, this is the first time that Bollywood star Shah Rukh and Alia Bhatt are sharing the screen space together. Their equation has come out very well in the teasers of the film and we thought we should try decoding some of their awesome moments from the songs. Check out some of them below:
(Courtesy: Giphy)
(Courtesy: Giphy)
A few days ago, Gauri Shinde released the second teaser titled ‘Always Recycle’.
(Courtesy: YouTube/RedChillies)
The teaser seems quite funny as Alia can be seen trying hard to crack a few jokes but to her disappointment, SRK is not finding them funny. The best part of the teaser is where Alia Bhatt says, “Agar log repair nahi ho sake toh kya aap unko bhi recycle karte ho?”
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