Ajay Devgn’s Shivaay is all set to hit theatres on October 28. But now the news is floating that self-appointed film critic, Kamaal R Khan (KRK) has apparently leaked the film online. While watching the film on Thursday in Dubai, KRK leaked a few chunks of Shivaay on Twitter before realising that it is a cyber crime. However, he deleted the scenes later.
He took to Twitter and wrote: “#Shivaay is starting with trailer of next flop #RockOn2,” he wrote with the clip. He followed it with yet another tweet, “First scene of Shivaay,” with yet another tweet.
Later, KRK realised his mistake and deleted the scenes, but the damage was already done. The clips were widely shared. After sharing the clip, he also revealed some important details about the film. He wrote, “Let me clear, #Shivaay is story of prostitution problem in Bulgaria, so what Indian audience has to do with it? Why will Indians watch it?” Following the previous tweet, he wrote: “Story started by 9 years old memory and Since last 15 minutes Ajay Devgan Sahab is jumping in the mountains! #Shivaay.”
Apart from Ajay Devgn, Shivaay also stars Abigail Eames, Sayyeshaa Saigal and Erika Kaar in the lead roles. This was going to be one of the biggest international releases for Ajay. Also, the actor has made sure not to reveal anything about the film up till now.
Earlier, Ajay Devgn had posted a video on his YouTube channel stating that Karan Johar had paid Rs 25 lakh to KRK to speak in favour of ADHM. It was the three minute, 19-second long telephonic conversation between Shivaay producer Kumar Mangat and Kamaal Rashid Khan. In the video, Kumar Mangat asked KRK why did he tweet in favour of Karan Johar’s film. He also asked KRK about why he was attacking Shivaay. At this point, KRK revealed that Karan Johar had paid him Rs 25 lakh.
We are repeatedly trying to contact Kamaal R Khan.
Did he do this because of his spat with Ajay?
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