Priyanka Chopra had an embarrassing moment on the show ‘Watch What Happens with Andy Cohen‘ when the anchor revisited some of Priyanka Chopra’s Bollywood films and made her walk down the memory lane. For starters, Priyanka Chopra looked fab in a black dress and was all pumped up for the show. However, the host caught her off the guard and gave her a sweet surprise by playing some old clips from her early Bollywood career.
He played a few clips which were, off course, after taking Priyanka’s approval and as soon as a hot sensuous scene from her movie ‘Andaaz’ threw up on the big screen, the actress went all red! The film which also had Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar in the lead role, embarrassed her to the core. She hid her face in her palms. The best part was that the actress took the activity sportingly and laughed at it later on.
Here is how she got embarrassed while watching a sensuous scene from her one of the movies:
(Courtesy: Giphy)
Apart from that, there were scenes from her films like Mujhse Shaadi Karogi and Kismat. Priyanka’s reaction to them were also worth noting.
Priyanka Chopra has become a household name internationally. The unmatched success of the actress has left every Bollywood actors/actresses far behind. When asked about her mantra for success, Priyanka said:
“If you start thinking you’re successful, you’ll never aim for success, because you’ve already achieved it. I like winning. Once I’ve done something, though, I don’t even think about it. It’s like playing Candy Crush. You never play the same level again you just keep looking ahead. ”
She has been to several American television series. A couple of weeks ago, she was welcomed by TV host Ellen DeGeneres. The host offered her tequila and Priyanka took no time to gulp it down. She spoke about how Indians love their spirits. The actress is currently shooting for her upcoming American Television series Quantico 2. Apart from the serial, Priyanka will be seen as Victoria Leeds alongside Dwayne Johnson and Alexandera Daddario.
(Courtesy: YouTube/FilmiGaane)
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