Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha who is all set to play journalist in her upcoming movie ‘Noor’, recently shared two photos on twitter, in which she is giving us glimpse of life of journos. In one of the photo ‘Noor’ is telling everyone about her ‘weekend therapy’- hangover. The other photo is of a station-Noor’s way of commuting .
Few days back, makers of the movie also gave us a quick look of the movie in which actress was seen doing household work. The movie is based on a book titled Karachi, You’re Killing Me which has been written by Pakistani writer Saba Imtiaz.
In an interview, Sonakshi said,“The film is based on that book (Karachi, You Are Killing Me) but we have changed it to Mumbai setting… I feel every girl, in fact, some boys will be able to relate to it in some way or the other. It is a likable and relatable character,”.
There are also reports of actress joining hands with Badshah for a song in her upcoming film Noor.
Of #FunTimes & #EpicHangovers – Noor’s weekend therapy with her people! #MeetNoorOn7th @NoorTheFilm @TSeries @Abundantia_Ent @sunhilsippy
— Sonakshi Sinha (@sonakshisinha) March 5, 2017
Noor’s commute to work. The daily grind to the office… #WhyOhWhy #MeetNoorOn7th @NoorTheFilm @TSeries @Abundantia_Ent @sunhilsippy
— Sonakshi Sinha (@sonakshisinha) March 4, 2017
Directed by Sunhil Sippy, Noor will witness Sonakshi Sinha playing the role of a journalist for the first time. There were a lot of controversies doing the round regarding Sonakshi’s character in the film. The actress cleared the air by saying that she will be portraying the role of a journalist who is based in Mumbai.
Other than Noor, Sonakshi will be seen opposite Sidharth Malhotra for the first time in ‘Ittefaq’, a remake of Rajesh Khanna’s film that released in 1969 .
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