Just when millennials were getting tired of screaming at Ekta Kapoor for ruining Indian television forever, streaming platforms swooped in to answer all our prayers. And before we knew it, we were hit by a ton of quality shows from different makers who weren’t afraid to be edgy and fun and original. Unlike regular TV shows in India, which live for hundreds of episodes on air, these shows come in neat little packages with crisp storylines. Some of them come and go away after only one season, but here are a few which are returning with their second seasons and we can’t wait!
This five-episode series by TVF had us at “The Mada Faka” song. Nostalgically named Chandan, Chanchal & Chitvan, the three siblings the show is based on were a riot together and a far cry from the family dramas we tend to get from contemporary Indian tellies nowadays. The second season, which will also have five episodes, will be out this month.
Made In Heaven
Created by Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti, Made In Heaven has brought the uh-mazing Shobhita Dhulipala to the limelight and we’re grateful enough for that. But, the show has a bundle of goodies which made audiences go gaga over it when it came out last month. The show traces the life of two friends Tara and Karan, who are wedding planners to the rich and powerful of Delhi. An Indian TV show with a complex female character and a non-stereotypical gay guy as protagonists sounds unreal. But, here we are thanks to internet. The second season has already been confirmed and is likely to be out sometime next year.
Sacred Games
Who exactly is Ganesh Gaitonde’s “teesra baap”? How did he betray Gaitonde? Why did Gaitonde ensure that only Trivedi lives while the rest of Mumbai burns to the ground? Will Katekar bhau be back in season two, in flashbacks? We have waaaaaay too many questions and we need the answers last year! Thankfully the second season is on its way. Netflix has confirmed it. Now they just need to give us a date so that we can start an official countdown!
Delhi Crime
This true crime drama came into existence after six years of rigorous research. Based on the gruesome 2012 Delhi rape case, the show is sometimes too hard to watch, especially since it’s so triggering. But, a second season has been announced and thankfully it would be about a different case since it’s an anthology series.
Drugs, guns, violence, and gang rivalries set in the badlands of rural UP make Mirzapur a perfect crime thriller to binge on. With stellar performances from the likes of Pankaj Tripathi, Divyendu Sharma, Vikrant Massey and Ali Fazal, the show is all set to return with its second season sometime later this year.
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