Few days back, popular bollywood director Karan Johar recently announced that he has become a father of two beatiful twins through surrogacy. The news came as a surprie to his fans who complimented him for his new parenting responsibility . The 45 year old has revealed that he will be more of a mother than father to his children
He was responding to a question at India Today conclave today as who would be the mother of the twins.
“I am more of a mother than father”, said Karan while speaking at India today conclave 2017. Johar who is now a father to a boy and a girl are named after her parents Yash and Roohi (which is an anagram of his mother’s name- Hiroo)
Karan said he had tears in his eyes when he first saw his children “I didn’t even realise that tears were rolling down my face because I just could not believe that there were two pieces of me staring at me, vulnerable, innocent and all piped and tubed up”.
In a candid conversation, Karan went on say that he would marry Shahrukh Khan because he has got a huge and lovely bungalow.
When asked who would play him if a movie is made on his life, Johar said it would be Ranbir Kapoor and for the roles of his mother and father he would pick Juhi Chawla and Rishi Kapoor respectively. When asked about who will play his lovers, Johar refused to answer.
Talking about the concept of marriages in bollywood, Johar said, “If you are happily married, you don’t exist” and that is the one fact that bothers him a lot.
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