This Monday morning was a bit special for all the fans of late Kannada superstar Rajkumar. To commemorate his 88th birth anniversary on Monday, Google honoured the late actor with a special doodle which features the veteran actor staring at audiences from a movie screen. Born in 1929 as Ambrish Singanalluru Puttaswamayya Muthuraju, he was renamed Rajkumar for his on-screen avatar.
With a career spanning over four decades and 200 films, he made his acting debut with 1954 Kannada film Bedara Kannappaa. He dedicated his career to Kannada cinema and was known for starring in lone Telugu film Sri Kalahastiswara Mahatyam, a remake of his debut film.
Some of his best films include Ranadheera Kanteerava, Kaviratna Kalidasa, Jedara Bale and Gowri among others. He was also a very popular singer and has reportedly crooned nearly 300 songs. Some of the films in which he crooned include Sampathige Saval, Operation Diamond Racket, Jeeva Chaitra and Om.
A recipient of Padma Bhushan and Dada Saheb Phalke Award, his sons Shivrajkumar and Puneeth Rajkumar are also popular Kannada actors. In fact, Google doodle’s team came up with three different drafts of the sketh before finalising the current one. In one of them, the actor can be seen singing and holding a bird in his hand, while in the other image we can see an array of legendary characters played by Rajkumar on-screen. Have a look:
Known as one of the finest actors in the history of Indian Cinema, the actor also holds a matinée idol status in the Kannada diaspora.
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(With inputs from IANS)
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