Imtiaz Ali’s upcoming film starring Anushka Sharma and Shah Rukh Khan has been in news for quite some time now. Though the film’s title is shrouded in mystery, reports have it the movie has struck a profitable deal. According to reports, the domestic rights of the film have been sold at a whopping amount of Rs 125 crore.
Apparently, NH Studioz headed by Narendra Hirawat has acquired the domestic and overseas distribution rights of the film for the aforementioned price. Confirming the news, Narendra told a leading daily he had acquired the rights. But he refused to reveal the amount for which the deal has been inked.
This Imtiaz Ali film has been making waves since it was announced. Earlier it was speculated the film will be called The Ring. Later, reports suggested the movie will be called Rahnuma. But the director revealed recently that none of these titles is actually the name of the film.
The film is a love story and this is for the first time that Imtiaz Ali and Shah Rukh Khan have come together for a film. With Imtiaz, SRK and Anushka working together on a film, it is meant to be a blockbuster.
Recently, a picture of Shah Rukh Khan sporting a turban made many think if this will be his look in the much-awaited film. We all will have to wait till the trailer of the movie releases to k now more about Shah Rukh’s look.
Also read: Name of Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma’s film with Imtiaz Ali is not Rahnuma
Speaking about working with Shah Rukh, director Imtiaz Ali said the approach of the star was very theatrical. Imtiaz Ali told IANS:
We talk a lot about Delhi theatre. I didn’t know that he would be still in the habit of performing in the way that he used to when he did theatre. His approach is very theatrical.
The untitled film will release in August, this year.
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