Superstar Rajinikanth who paid his last respects to former Tamil Nadu CM J Jayalalithaa who passed away last week, said that she had hurt her in the past and the statements made were one of the main reason she lost elections in 1996 Assembly elections.
Terming her as the “Kohinoor diamond” now, Rajinikanth said Jayalalithaa turned out to be an extremely powerful and dynamic leader as she made it to the top in a society dominated by men.
He further said that the late AIADMK Chief had to go through a number of difficult situations to be where she was and had achieved name and fame despite of having no family only because of her hard work.
Rajinikanth was seen along with his family members including wife Latha Rajinikanth, elder daughter Aishwaryaa and son-in-law Dhanush at the Rajaji Hall in Chennai to paying homage to Jayalalithaa.
Although Jayalalithaa and Rajnikanth have never really starred in any movies together, Rajinikanth was her neighbour in her Poes Garden residence. “Not just Tamil Nadu but the whole of India lost a brave daughter. May her soul rest in peace,” Rajinikanth had posted on his Twitter page.
Years ago, in 1996, Rajinikanth had openly said, “Even God can’t save Tamil Nadu if Jayalalithaa is elected to power.” After which, the DMK won the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly elections.
However, in 2006 Rajinikanth declared that Jayalalithaa was “the reincarnation of (goddess) ashtalakshmi.”
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