Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who is currently making headlines for his cameo in close friend Salman Khan’s upcoming film Tubelight, is all set to surprise his fans with yet another new look in his next project. While Shah Rukh plays the role of a magician in the Salman starrer, he will be seen portraying the character fo a dwarf in his next film, which will be helmed by Anand L Rai.
The yet to be titled film was in news from the moment it was announced, not only because of Shah Rukh’s association with it but because of Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif, who were earlier in talks to play the female leads int eh film. While Katrina is very much a part of the film, Deepika has to let go of the project because of her other work commitments.
Recently, Alia Bhatt’s name started doing rounds as the second lead in the film but the filmmaker’s spokesperson said that they have not finalised anyone yet and is just a baseless rumour. It is also being said that the film will be a completely different experience for the audience as it has many elements to it.
Recently, the makers of the film recreated Meerut city in Mumbai’s filmcity to shoot for some parts of the SRK starrer. Yes, that is right. From its famous Clock Tower to other nearby areas, everything has been built from scratch. The decision was taken as the film involves a lot of VFX technicalities. And keeping in mind the difficulties the team would have to face while shooting outdoor amid the huge crowd, Anand L Rai recreated the city in Mumbai itself.
This is for the first time that Shah Rukh Khan will play a dwarf on-screen and we just can;t wait to watch him in this avatar.
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