In a shocking incident, noted singer from Assam Zubeen Garg stormed off the stage after the organisers objected to a Hindi song that he sang while performing in Guwahati during a Bihu festival. The incident took place on April 14 when the organisers of the event stopped him from singing Hindi songs and urged him to only singh Assamese songs.
Zubeen Garg fumed over the incident and affirmed that the singer had the right to sing a song of his choice. However, the organisers claimed that the singer had flouted the norms that were pre-decided. One of the organisrs asserted that the Zubeen’s manager had affirmed that the singer will only sing Assamese songs.
“His event manager had assured us even before he went up to the stage that Zubeen Garg would not sing any Hindi song on the bihu stage. It was a gentleman’s agreement that he flouted, prompting us to stop him. We are not opposed to any language, but bihu is not for singing Hindi songs,”Indian Express quoted president of the Noonmati Bihu Sanmilan, Madhu Ranjan Nath as saying.
As per several media reports, Zubeen had just started singing Hindi songs after when the show organisers walked up the stage and asked him to not sing Hindi songs because it was a Bihu festival. Zubeen apparently, hurled abuses at the organisers and left the stage.
“I am an artist and I have the freedom to sing. I have sung over 16,000 songs in 25 years. Moreover, while Hindi is our national language, bihu is a festival of music,” Garg said. Garg event went on to perform on several Hindi songs on a separate Bihu pandal.
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