The Oscars 2017 were particularly fun this year, besides the end that is. Bollywood actress and Quantico star Priyanka Chopra graced the 89th Academy Awards with her presence. Our desi girl dazzled the Red Carpet with her ‘katli‘ dress. But, it was her brief moment with Baywatch co-star that made fans completely went crazy. The two stars engaged in friendly banter right at the Red Carpet and were captured in this candid moment.
Now, these two Baywatch stars have given their fans more of a reason to be crazy with their little twitter exchange. Tweeting out a story about their adorable moment at the Oscars, The Rock said, “Luv me some @priyankachopra. Here she tells me how wearing blue velvet makes my head look even larger than it actually is. #Baywatch #Oscars”
Luv me some @priyankachopra. Here she tells me how wearing blue velvet makes my head look even larger than it actually is. #Baywatch #Oscars
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) March 1, 2017
Upon seeing the tweet, Priyanka Chopra returned the love in her tweet saying, “Haha as if!! @TheRock looked extremely dapper in blue Velvet! Was great to c u DJ.. #Baywatch #oscars”
Haha as if!! @TheRock looked extremely dapper in blue Velvet! Was great to c u DJ.. #Baywatch #oscars
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) March 1, 2017
Both Priyanka and Dwayne will appear on screen together in their upcoming movie Baywatch. The film is a remake of the popular 90s show of the same name which starred Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff, both of whom will join the cast of the movie. Priyanka’s role is pivotal to the plot as she will be playing the villain, Victoria Leeds. She will be seen going up against the protagonist, Dwayne which makes it doubly awesome.
Baywatch is slated for a worldwide release on May 26.
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