Ever since she started off as the lead in ABC’s crime drama thriller series Quantico, Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has become quite the international celebrity. Our beloved PeeCee has made it a point to make her presence felt out in the West. Priyanka has appeared on several talk shows where, through her wits and charm, she has shattered many misconceptions that people across the world might have about Indians and in doing so, she has greatly done India proud. Recently, she was seen on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon where she proved yet again that Indians are not to be taken lightly.
While on the show, aside from talking about her upcoming film Baywatch, Priyanka Chopra beat her host Jimmy Fallon at his own game. However, this is not the first time that she has beaten Fallon. Every time she comes on the show, she manages to win, reflecting the satisfaction she receives from whooping her competitor’s butt. She has that mischievous glint in her eyes which shows just how much she’s into the game or should we say, how much she’s into winning. She has participated in several such games when she appears on talk shows and here are a few instances which prove that she absolutely loves to be involved in games.
Drinko at the Emmys
While at the Emmys last year, Priyanka Chopra played a little game called Drinko with Andy Zenor. She ended up getting tequila which she downed like a pro. She later faced the consequences as she claimed to have been “wobbly” from the one shot that night.
Wing-Eating Contest on The Tonight Show
Jimmy Fallon should have had better sense than to invite an Indian to a spicy food eating contest. The two munched on hot wings with extra Tabasco sauce to make it worse. While Fallon barely managed to hold one down, Priyanka ate three, winning the contest.
Apple-Bobbing on The Tonight Show
Once again, at the Tonight Show, Fallon invited Priyanka to a game of apple-bobbing in hopes of redeeming himself. However, his dreams went down the drain when Priyanka managed to score five while Fallon couldn’t even do one.
Drinko on The Ellen Show
When she appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show, Priyanka was once again invited to a game of Drinko. Perhaps Ellen felt left out Priyanka played it at the Emmys and wanted to join in on the fun. Anyway, tequila seems to love PeeCee more than she does it as she got to down a shot-full of alcohol on television once more.
Sculptionary on The Tonight Show
On her most recent appearance on The Tonight Show, as Jimmy Fallon fails to realise that he can never win against Priyanka, she and Westworld actress Evan Rachel Wood played a game called Sculptionary, which is pictionary with clay. Needless to say, Priyanka won again.
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