Veteran actor Om Puri, who breathed his last in January this year, found special mention in the ‘In Memoriam’ at the 2017 Oscars ceremony. In his illustrious acting career, Puri starred in various international films including those in Hollywood, earning accolades for his performance. He is best known for his portrayal of Abdullah in 1996 Hollywood film The Ghost And The Darkness. The film also featuring Michael Douglas had won the Academy Award for Sound Editing. Besides this film, he also acted in City of Joy and Wolf.
He made his foray into international cinema with a cameo in Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi. The film went on to win 11 Academy Awards. He was included in the annual montage along with Carrie Fisher, Prince, Gene Wilder, Michael Cimino, Patty Duke, Garry Marshall, Anton Yelchin, Mary Tyler Moore, Curtis Hanson and John Hurt. The Academy Awards also mentioned American actor Bill Paxton who passed away on Saturday. The Memoriam segment was presented by Hollywood actor Jennifer Aniston.
Om Puri was known for his deep baritone voice and different acting style, as well as craggy, pockmarked but distinctive face. He had an affinity towards socially relevant cinema. Besides being a Padma Shri awardee, Puri was conferred with the Order of British Empire for his contribution towards the British film industry.
Soon, the tinsel town paid tributes to the late actor on social media. Richa Chadha was among the B-town actors to remember the National Award-winning actor.
So thankful and touched at the memoriam for #OmPuri Saab at #Oscars2017
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha_) February 27, 2017
Sonu Sood, who shared screen space with Puri in 2010 blockbuster Dabangg, also expressed his emotions for the late actor.
Thanku @TheAcademy for remembering #OmPuri sir we miss u sir. #TheAcademyAwards
— sonu sood (@SonuSood) February 27, 2017
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