These Iconic Artistes Never Won Oscars! Now You Know Why We Are Done With The Academy Some cinematic legends have never ever been nominated!
Famous YouTuber Lilly Singh, Has Her LGBTQ Fans Going ‘Yaas Queen’ By Coming Out As Bi Her fellow LGBTQ peers and fans cannot stop talking about how proud they are of her.
Even Before Its Release, Captain Marvel Is Being Panned For Brie Larson’s ‘SJW Nonsense’ Brie Larson had earlier spoken about how her press days being 'overwhelmingly white male', which she corrected during Captain Marvel's promotions.
PSA: The Oscars Are Becoming Less-Watchable With Each Passing Year The Academy's recent back and forth have compromised the very integrity of America's most prestigious awards night - The Oscars.
This Remake Season, Can Bollywood Give Us Versions Of These Badass Female Buddy Films? At least make one of these happen,Bollywood!
Can We Stop Speculating About Priyanka Chopra’s Pregnancy & Making Headlines Out Of It! Can we stop commenting on women's bodies without their consent!
This Short Film Raises Serious Doubts About The Beauty & The Beast’s Casual Racism Doing a spin on the classic Disney fairy tale, 'Beauty & The East' tries to understand how a (very brown) Beast turns into a 'white man'