Our desi girl Priyanka Chopra has become a bright, shining star over in the West. After bagging a lead role in ABC’s crime drama thriller series Quantico, the 34-year-old actress was cast in the upcoming Baywatch movie. Starring alongside the likes of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Zac Efron, Baywatch is Priyanka Chopra’s Hollywood film debut. It has been heavily publicised and is already one of the most awaited films of 2017. By the way, when PeeCee said that she is used to being the face on a poster, she wasn’t kidding at all, and the new Baywatch motion poster is here to prove it!
ALSO READ: Priyanka Chopra looks hot as fire in these new ‘Summer is Coming’ Baywatch posters
Priyanka shared the motion poster to her Instagram account captioning it, “Here’s a free lesson for all the rookies: She’s as dangerous as they come… don’t fall for her charm. #SummerIsComing #BeBaywatch #VictoriaLeeds @baywatchmovie.” The “she” PeeCee is referring to is none other than her character, Victoria Leeds. Priyanka will not be playing one of the lifeguards but, she is going to go toe-to-toe with The Rock as she is playing the sultry villain in the upcoming film.
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Baywatch is based on the hit 90s show of the same name, which, incidentally, was one of Priyanka’s favourite shows growing up. She revealed in an interview that her mother was a huge fan of the series and they would all rush to the couch when the Baywatch theme came on. She has also mastered the iconic slo-mo run although, she would not get to exhibit her talents given that she’s not going to be running around in a red bikini. Priyanka says that her character Leeds, the new owner of The Huntley Club, is a woman who hates to even walk around at the beach and means all business.
ALSO READ: Baywatch International Trailer: At least Priyanka Chopra has lines in this one
Baywatch, which also stars Alexandra Daddario, Kelly Rohrbach, Charlotte McKinney, Jon Bass, and Ilfenesh Hadera, is set to release on May 26. Over time, the film has released a series of posters and they didn’t miss out on Priyanka. Check them out below.
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