Bollywood’s desi girl Priyanka Chopra, who took the west by storm with her crime thriller series Quantico on ABC, co-hosted Live with Kelly! with, of course, Kelly Ripa. The two actresses are pretty much gal pals since Priyanka has made several appearances as a guest on the show. In fact, her little alcoholic spree backstage at the Oscars this year was with Kelly. Speaking of that, Ripa tiptoed around a few “censored” details about the Academy Awards.
Both Kelly and Priyanka went on lengths about the Easter, Peecee’s new dog, she doing her own stunts until the topic ultimately wound up to alcohol, as it always does with these two. Recalling the infamous night of the Oscars, where Priyanka pulled Jennifer Aniston into their little backstage antics, the two discussed the Bollywood star’s “uncensored” behaviour. To help jog your memory, here’s the “censored” version of it that we all got to see.
ALSO READ: Priyanka Chopra can’t keep her hands off of Jennifer Aniston (or Tequila) backstage at Oscars
While backstage, Priyanka Chopra did a lot of crazy especially at one point where she outed the talk-show host by pointing out to the cue cards behind the camera. Apparently, she did a lot more than that. On the show, Kelly played the clip for the audience and asked her co-host if she had seen it. “Have you seen the clip?” she asked. To which, Priyanka replied, “I haven’t seen the uncensored one… ’cause you protected me.” Kelly then stated, “We know. We protected you big time.”
ALSO READ: These pictures of Priyanka Chopra with her niece will bring a smile to your face
Needless to say, Priyanka started blushing like a mischievous little child and Kelly’s face said it all as if she had seen something very naughty that night. Sadly, they didn’t go well into the details.
The guests of the night were Jennifer Hudson, who was seen in Netflix’s Sandy Wexler opposite Adam Sandler recently, and Josh Lucas from the biopic The Most Hated Woman in America.
While speaking to Hudson, Kelly revealed that if her husband happens to have a kissing scene with Priyanka, her sons wouldn’t object to it as much as Hudson’s would. Actually, they would instead high-five their dad.
Priyanka Chopra recently marked her “last official week” in New York City as Quantico’s season 2 draws to a close. The season finale will be unveiled on March 1.
Packing up the house is such a conflicted emotion!so many things pop out that u didn’t remember..Last official week in NYC until next time..
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) April 16, 2017
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