Kristen Stewart is often the butt of all jokes when it comes to her reposed nature or “expressionless” acting. She shot to international fame when she played Bella Swan in the Twilight series albeit, for all the wrong reasons. Inevitably, Stewart made an impression of herself that no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t shake. However, as many would love to disagree, she is a smart, mature woman who is largely misunderstood.
Recently, Kristen Stewart stated the reason behind her coming out as gay. She said that she wanted to uplift closeted individuals. For a person who prefers to keep her private life to herself, Kristen hated it when personal things would fall in the public’s eye. “…considering I had so many eyes on me, I suddenly realised (my private life) affects a greater number of people than just me. It was an opportunity to surrender a bit of what was mine, to make even one other person feel good about themselves,” she said in an interview with The Sunday Times.
The 26-year-old actress often seemed cold on-screen which led to her being termed a bad actress. Starting her acting career as a child, Stewart is very shielded as a person. The actress has also had to deal with frequent anxiety attacks throughout her teenage years. You see? Twilight hasn’t been easy on her either. Anyway, the actress said that she would panic whenever she would not be in control of a situation. Her mental health caused her to have a persistent stomachache which inevitably affected her performance.

Kristen Stewart earned international fame for her role of Bella Swan in Twilight.
To others, her cold demeanour seems rude which, Stewart denies completely (and I agree). To be honest, she pretty much seems like the coolest person. Introverts and people dealing with anxiety deem her their spirit animal. And now that she has crossed the 20-year mark, she is very relatable for young adults and is very down-to-earth about her daily life struggles.

Kristen Stewart in Personal Shopper.
After having worked on her personality, Kristen Stewart has greatly improved as an actress. Her performances in movies like Clouds of Sils Maria and Personal Shopper have been critically acclaimed. And given her latest likeable avatar, her fanbase has greatly expanded. At the moment, she is one of the best Hollywood has to offer. And if you find it hard to believe, watch her interview below: