Actors Kamal Haasan and Gautami Tadimala have been staying together for over a decade. However, the actress on Tuesday, November 1, confirmed that things are not merry between the two anymore. Gautami took to her blog to announce that ‘their paths have irreversibly changed’ and they have accepted the truth now.
In a heart-whelming post, Gautami wrote:
“It is heartbreaking for me to have to say today that I and Mr. Haasan are no longer together. After almost 13 years together, it has been one of the most devastating decisions that I have ever had to make in my life. It is never easy for anyone in a committed relationship to realise that their paths have irreversibly diverged and that the only choices in front of them are to either compromise with their dreams for life or to accept the truth of their solitude and move ahead. It has taken me a very long time, a couple of years at the very least, to accept this heartbreaking truth and come to this decision.”
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Admitting that change is inevitable, she said she does not want to seek sympathy or assign blame via her post.
“Not all of these changes might be what we expect or anticipate but that does not, in any way, negate the very real impact of these diverging priorities in a relationship. This decision to set forth on my own at this stage in my life is perhaps one of the most difficult decisions any woman will ever have to make, but it is a necessary one for me,” she wrote.
To be best mother to her daughter, she said she has chosen to be at peace with herself. Gautami went on to add that she will continue to be a fan of Kamal Haasan and will always admire his achievements.
“I have stood by him through all his challenges and they have been precious moments for me. I have also learned a great deal from working with him as costume designer on his films and I’m proud that I was able to do justice to his creative vision in those films. Along with all of his accomplishments to date, I know that there is much more to come from him for his audience and I look forward to applauding those successes,” she added.
Gautami was last seen on-screen in this year’s trilingual film Manamantha. Her last film with Kamal Haasan was the 2015 Tamil family drama Papanasam.
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— with inputs from IANS
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