After being accused of “hijacking” Manikarnika from co-director Krish, Kangana Ranaut is about to announce her next directorial venture, an epic action drama. A day we have been waiting for since Ranaut declared that” in the future, she would like to focus more on films she would write, produce, and direct” herself.
After the controversies surrounding the writing credit for Simran and the direction credit for Manikarnika, we wanted that untainted Kangana Ranaut film where the story and art of filmmaking takes precedence over controversies and gossip. A film that is a 100 per cent Ranaut product from beginning to end with no disputes over it legitimacy.
In a recent statement, Ranaut said, “I’m on the verge of announcing my next directorial venture. It’s an action film — an epic drama. It has taken a lot of my time. Currently, we are putting everything in order, but we have locked the script. We’ll be doing a photoshoot, soon after, which we plan to release the poster, too.”
She also mentioned how generally Bollywood films that are headlined by women don’t get allotted big budgets, but the success of Manikarnika at the box office has helped her in securing a substantial budget for her next directorial venture.
“There are a lot of great stories to be told and actresses today are bringing a lot of business, too. I’m happy with the way Manikarnika worked for me — as an actor and also as a director. Now is the right time to start work on my second directorial project,” she added.
Manikarnika has managed to earn an estimated Rs.152 crore at the box office and it was made on a rumoured budget of Rs.125 crore. While that’s not a huge profit margin, the film crossing the 100-crore mark has become a point of celebration.
Ranaut will be seen next in Prakash Kovelamudi’s Mental Hai Kya opposite Rajkumar Rao, and then Ashwini Iyer Tiwari’s Panga, where Ranaut will be portraying the role of a Kabaddi player.
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