Concerning over the release of his next movie ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’, film director Karan Johar on Thursday will meet Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh. Mukesh Bhatt and Siddharth Roy Kapur will also accompany him at the meeting. Reportedly, the meeeting to the Home Minister is to discuss about the security of the upcoming movie, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, which features Pakistani actor Fawad Khan along with others. The situation is getting worse day-by-day. The controversy arised right after the situation between India and Pakistan worsened, when political parties and that Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) have been demanding a ban on KJo’s film that also stars Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma.
Earlier, KJo released an emotional video saying, “deep sense of hurt and pain” by the charge of being anti-national. “I condemn terror in the strongest terms, I respect our Army, for me, the country comes first.” He further added, “The reason why I remained silent is because of a deep sense of pain.” The 44-year-old also said that “The best way to express your patriotism is to spread love and thats all I have ever tried to do through my work and cinema.” Of late many other directors are coming out in support of Johar. On Wednesday, director Shyam Benegal said that his patriotism is not to be doubted and added that Karan chose the actors because of their talent and not because of the country they belong to hence it’s very wrong to make him suffer.
Also, Mukesh Bhatt released a statement. He said:
“I have appealed with folded hands to my brothers in MNS. I know they are upset and so am I but let’s do it peacefully. Let’s not spoil Diwali of the people of our country. We are harming a fellow Indian. Pakistani ka kya gaya isme? Kuch nahi gaya. Woh Toh mazze le raha hai. Hass raha hai. So let Pakistanis not feel victorious. We brothers should come together and it’s the festival of us Hindus. Why to destroy our festivals? This is my appeal to all my MNS brothers. Let’s be together and make Diwali good for all Indians.”
The movie is all set to release on October 28.
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