Film star Dileep’s arrest in actress’ abduction case is one of the biggest controversies in the Malayalam film industry has ever witnessed. He was arrested on Monday, July 10, on the basis of details provided by the key accused in the case, Sunil Kumar alias Pulsar Suni in the jail. He was summoned by a special police team led by IGP Dinendra Kashyap. Following interrogation, his arrest was recorded under conspiracy charge.
According to the reports published by a leading daily, the investigation in actress’ abduction case took a new turn when a fellow inmate of Suni at the special jail in Kochi, Jinson, claimed that the accused had told him about the conspiracy. The call records revealed links between Kumar, Dileep’s friend and singer-turned-director, Nadirshah and Appunni.
The reports also suggest that Jinson claimed he had heard Suni making calls to Appunni, demanding financial help. Taking the probe closer to Dileep, a letter purportedly written by Suni to Dileep, demanding money, reached TV channels.
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According to the sources, the police have filed a chargesheet and arrested seven on charges of abduction, rape and attempted blackmail. The gang was led by Pulsar Suni, who is a driver linked to various film crews in the Malayalam industry.
On June 28, he and Nadirshah were questioned by police for 13 hours in Kochi. Last week, police questioned Kumar again which, sources said, helped the probe team ascertain the actor’s role in the conspiracy. According to police sources, investigations revealed that the 48-year-old actor allegedly gave the supari to attack the actress due to personal grudges.
According to police sources, investigations revealed that the 48-year-old actor allegedly gave the supari to attack the actress due to personal grudges.
The victim was once close to Dileep’s family, at a time when he was married to popular actress Manju Warrier. Police sources said that Dileep believed that the victim played a role in creating discord in his marital life with Warrier.
On February 17, Suni allegedly intercepted the car in which the actress was traveling in Kochi, assaulted her inside the vehicle for around two hours and recorded visuals of the act on a mobile phone.
— Source: Indian Express
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