Malayalam actor Unni Mukundan is one of the most sought after young actors in Malayalam cinema. The actor, who had made his acting debut in 2011 with the Tamil film Seedan has so far acted in more than 20 films in a span of 6 years.
However this time, the Mallu Sallu has taken a step in an altogether different direction. Yes, the much-awaited debut song of Malayalam actor Unni Mukundan has been released. The song titled Anuragam Puthumazhapole was released by Unni Mukundan on his Facebook page.
Interestingly, the song turned out to be a complete surprise for every music lovers as no one was aware of the actor’s hidden talent. The Malayalam youth icon’s voice sounds like the lines of professional singers and the beautiful lyrics rendered by the actor himself only made the song more soulful. The song also marks his debut as a lyricist as well.
The song also features the romantic portions of Unni Mukundan and Sivada and it only added more colours to the beautiful song. Sivada is paired opposite Muslce Aliyan in Achayans. The Janatha Garage actor was seen sporting two different looks in the song. The singing portions show the actor in his Vikramadityan look with only a moustache whereas in the portions with Sivada, the actor was seen in his Achayans look with a stylish beard and moustache.
As expected, the song has been liked by the audience and within no time, Anuragam Puthumazhapole had gone viral on social media. The instant success of Anuragam Puthumazhapole song will surely help his film Achayans big time at the Kerala Box Office. The film is already carrying terrific buzz on trade and will hit the screens soon. Unni will be portraying the role of a Tony Vavachan in the film, directed by Kannam Thamarakkulam.
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