It’s widely known that Malayalam actor Mohanlal is portraying the role of Bheemasena in his upcoming film Mahabharata. The film, an adaptation of popular Malayalam writer MT Vasudevan’s award-winning novel Randamoozham was in news ever since Mohanlal announced the budget of the film. Directed by ad-filmmaker V.A. Shrikumar, Mahabharata will be made on a whopping budget of Rs 1000 crore and might be the most expensive Indian film to be made till date.
InUth had previously reported that V.A. Shrikumar has expressed his desire to cast many top stars from the non-Malayalam film industry in his film. There was huge demand for Telugu actor Prabhas to be a part of the film from the audience as well.
In a recent interview, Prabhas had stated that he is ready to share the screen with the Malayalam superstar if he is offered a role in Mahabharata. Prabhas was in Kerala for the promotions of his upcoming Friday release Baahubali: The Conclusion.
“Mohanlal sir is one of the best actors world cinema has ever seen. No one can replace him in such an epic project based on a classic novel. I would be more than happy to portray a role in this magnum opus coming up from Malayalam film industry. If Mohanlal sir leaves any role for me and if I get a chance, I’m ready to do the film”, Prabhas told.
Mahabharata also marks the collaboration of Mohanlal and stunt director Peter Hein after the former’s 2016 blockbuster Pulimurugan.
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