Malayalam actor Nivin Pauly’s Vishu-Easter release Sakhavu was released on Saturday. Directed by national award-winning director Sidhartha Siva of 101 Chodyangal fame and produced by B Rakesh under the banner of Universal Cinema, the film stars Gayathri Suresh, Aparna Gopinath and Aishwarya Rajesh in female lead roles. Touted to be a campus political entertainer, Sakhavu stars Nivin Pauly in dual roles as a young revolutionary leader Krishnakumar and Sakhavu Krishnan.
InUth had previously reported that Sakhavu is all set to be Nivin Pauly’s biggest opener at the Kerala Box Office. And now, it has been confirmed as the Nivin Pauly-starrer has emerged as the actor’s biggest opener till date.
Sakhavu has minted a whopping Rs 2.50 crore on its opening day at the Kerala Box Office. The positive reviews and the stardom of Nivin Pauly have worked favourably for the film to rake in a massive opening despite the stiff competition the film had from a series of Malayalam superstar including Mammootty’s The Great Father, Puthan Panam, Mohanlal-starrer 1971 Beyond Borders and Dileep’s Georgettan’s Pooram. Also, it has to be noted that Sakhavu was released in fewer screens compared to the screen numbers of the superstar films.
Though the opening weekend numbers are yet to be revealed, as per the reports from the Kerala theatre owners, Sakhavu had a massive Sunday at the Kerala Box Office.
Sakhavu also stars Sreenivasan, Sudheesh, Aliyar, V K Prakash, Santhosh Keezhattoor, Althaf, Baiju, Musthafa and Sreelakshmi.
Looks like Nivin Pauly got his biggest Easter gift!
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