The past week witnessed three major releases at the Kerala Box Office — Prithviraj starrer Ezra and two non-Malayalam releases, Suriya’s Singam 3 and Akshay Kumar’s Jolly LLB 2. While Ezra and Singam 3 fared very well on its opening weekend – thanks to the majority of screens across Kerala – the Akshay Kumar starrer struggled to put up a healthy weekend due to lesser screens.
However, it was Prithviraj starrer Ezra which won the Kerala Box Office race despite releasing in lesser screens compared to the Singam 3.
Ezra had a huge opening weekend at the Kerala Box Office. The horror thriller, which had released in 130 screens across the Kerala had grossed a terrific Rs 8.55 crore on its opening weekend. On its opening day, 10 February, Ezra had minted Rs 2.62 crore at the Box Office while on Saturday and Sunday, the film had minted Rs 2.93 crore and Rs 3 crore respectively, which is a remarkable feat considering that Ezra was released in 50 screens less than Singam 3. The film also emerged as the fourth highest opener at the Kerala Box Office after Pulimurugan, Kabali, and Munthirivallikal Thalirkkumbol.
Suriya’s Singam 3 failed to beat the opening weekend of Ezra despite getting an extra solo day release and 50 more screens than the Prithviraj starrer at the Kerala Box Office. The action-entertainer was released in 180 plus screens on 9 February, yet the four-day long weekend collection of the Suriya starrer grossed only Rs 6.05 crore at the Kerala Box Office. The film, which marks the third installment of the successful Singam franchise should do well on weekdays to put up a healthy opening week at the Kerala Box Office.
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