Malayalam actor-turned-director Vineeth Sreenivasan’s ABY was released on Thursday. Written by Santhosh Echikkanam and produced by Suvin K Varkey, the film marks the directorial debut of advertisement filmmaker Srikant Murali. ABY stars Happy Wedding fame Mareena Michael and Aanandam fame Vinitha Koshy as female leads.
As per early reports, ABY has opened to an average response at the cinemas across the Kerala. The family-entertainer was released in 108 screens in Kerala, which is quite impressive considering for a Vineeth Sreenivasan film in a titular role. The reports are decent, which may help the film to post healthy numbers on evening/night shows. However, it remains to be seen how ABY will fare from Friday as another Malayalam release, Jayaraj’s Veeram is slated to hit the screens tomorrow. The Prithviraj hit film, Ezra is still running to packed houses as well at the Kerala Box Office.
Meanwhile, ABY marks Vineeth Sreenivasan’s sixth film in the lead role. Barring Ormayundo Ee Mukham and Oru Second Class Yatra, all his main lead films including Cycle, Makante Achan and Kunjiramayanam were successful at the Box Office. Vineeth Sreenivasan had a good 2016 as the actor’s fourth directorial, Jacobinte Swargarjyam went on to become the third biggest blockbuster of 2016 after Mohanlal starrers Oppam and Pulimurugan. His maiden-production venture, Aanandam too had a good box office run at the Kerala Box Office. With ABY, Vineeth will be aiming to continue his golden run at the Kerala Box Office.
ABY also stars Aju Varghese, Suraj Venjaramoodu, Sudheer Karamana, Hareesh Peradi and Manish Choudhary.
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