In the latest development in Malayalam actress abduction and molestation case, an actress and wife of Dileep, Kavya Madhavan, has been interrogated by the investigation team. She was interogated by the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) B. Sandhya, in Aluva on July 25.
At the time of interrogation, Pulsar Sunni, the prime accused in the case, told that after committing the crime, he had come to Lakshya, an online marketing firm run by Kavya at Kakkanad in Kochi. After his statement, the police had conducted a raid at Lakshya.
Earlier on Tuesday, July 25, Dileep was denied bail by the Kerala High Court. The court had then reserved the judgment after hearing the bail application and the arguments from both sides. The bail was denied on the grounds that the actor could possibly influence the witnesses in the case.
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According to police sources, investigations revealed that the 48-year-old actor allegedly gave the supari to attack the actress due to personal grudges. The victim was once close to Dileep’s family, at a time when he was married to popular actress Manju Warrier. Police sources said that Dileep believed that the victim played a role in creating discord in his marital life with Warrier.
On February 17, Suni allegedly intercepted the car in which the actress was traveling in Kochi, assaulted her inside the vehicle for around two hours and recorded visuals of the act on a mobile phone.
Also read: Day after actress’ abduction, here’s how Malayalam actor Dileep reacted
Source- Indian Express
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