A Malayalam actress was allegedly abducted and molested in a moving car last night by unidentified persons. The incident happened in Ernakulam, Kochi. Reportedly, the actress was molested in her car till the vehicle reached Palarivattom, which is nearly 25 kms away from the place. The actress is said to have told police that her former driver, Martin, was among the ones who got inside the car. Post her statement, police officials have arrested Martin.
The gang of molesters stopped and entered her car in near Athani in Angamaly and drove off to Palarivattom. On reaching the place they fled in another car, reported Manorama online.
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The prime suspect, in this case, is goon Sunil Kumar aka Pulsar Suni who fled the scene after the incident. The actress is said to have taken refuge at her friend’s place in Kakkanaad after the ordeal. Media reports have it, she told her friend the molesters took pictures and made videos of her.
The actress, who has worked in over 75 films, has till now not released a statement in the press about the incident. She has shared screen space with many renowned names of the film industry. She is one of the most brilliant actresses of the south cinema.
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