Malayalam actor Dileep’s arrest on July 10 for his alleged role in the abduction of an actress has sent shockwaves within the Malayalam film fraternity. He has been sent to police custody and his bail application will be heard on July 14. Three days after the arrest, the actress has finally spoken on the issue. Stating that she is not in a mental state to say anything before the media, the victim chose to issue an official statement through her Facebook page. She also stated that
She also stated that if the actor is proven innocent, his evidence should come out in public and if he is proven guilty, the facts on his wrong doings should come out as well as soon as possible. This what she quoted on her brother’s Facebook page;
Dear friends,
“I am not in a mental state to sit and narrate my thoughts in a channel or in a press meet, that’s why I’m releasing this statement now like this again. I had to go through an unforgettable and unfortunate ordeal last February 17th. I filed a complaint with the state police of Kerala with utmost honesty and the investigation is going on of the same.
The recent arrests and developments of the investigation are shocking for me just like you all. I have never tried to make someone a suspect under any circumstances or of any personal vendetta which I have none to anyone and I have never shout a name either which I have made it clear before. It is true that I have acted with this hero in several movies in the past and in a later stage we had some personal issues and we had to let go of our friendship.
Also read: Day after actress’ abduction, here’s how Malayalam actor Dileep reacted
When I checked the facts regarding his arrest, through the media and other friendly sources it has came to our knowledge that the police has acquired enough evidence to prove him guilty. The actor claims that he has been wrongly accused and arrested. If that’s true, then I wish that the facts of his innocence should come out or if it’s otherwise the facts on his wrong doings should come out as well as soon as possible. Everybody is equal in the eyes of law and neither an innocent should be punished nor any criminal should escape.
It’s been widely said that I have partnered with the said actor in real estate and other investments which is false. We have no such partnerships. I believed such news’s will fade soon as it has no truth behind it, but such news on partnerships again linger in the media and now I wish to make a clearance. If it’s needed, I am ready to submit all necessary documents and such to any investigating officers. I also wish to use this opportunity to state that the videos and statements which are been widely used in social platforms like Facebook and Twitter, except through my brothers are not legit and not to my knowledge. I request my dear ones to stay away from such practices as it is creating confusion among the public and the media.
Also read: All we know about Malayalam actor Dileep’s arrest in actress’ abduction case
I sincerely wish that neither an innocent should be punished nor any criminal should escape and everybody is under the law of the state. Let me conclude with lots of prayers and thanks again for your unlimited love and support”.
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