Malayalam actor Prithviraj’s upcoming film Adam starts rolling today in Cochin. Directed by Jinu Abraham and produced by Stanly C S and Jose Simon, the film also marks the return of the Malayalam actress after being attacked by goons on last Friday. The film also marks her collaboration with Prithviraj – Naren duo after the 2009 hit film, Robin Hood.
Ahead of the film’s shoot, Prithviraj took to his Facebook page to appreciate the courage of the actress to come back to film sets following the horrifying incident happened to her. The Naam Shabana actor also apologized for being part of films that shows misogynist against women and also promised that he will never allow women to be disrespected in his movies again.
This is what he quoted on Facebook:
Some of the most poignant moments in my life have been punctuated with moments of incredible courage. Courage from what I have now fully realised are God’s most benevolent yet intricate creations. WOMEN!
From a mother picking up pieces of a suddenly derailed life, to bring up two young boys to be the men they are a wife who at the fag end of a 40 hour labour, just as she was being cut open without an anaesthetic, holding my hand and telling me “It’s alright Prithvi”..I have repeatedly been dumbfounded in realising how much of a lesser being I am in the company of the women in my life.
And my dear friend walks in to the sets to kick start the shooting of her new film “ADAM”, I once again bear witness to an extraordinary moment of courage from an extraordinary woman in my life! Today..she makes a statement..a statement that will echo through time, space and gender..that no one or no incident has control over your life but YOU! A statement that will now be part of counselling sessions and pep talks around the world. A statement that you my friend..are making in a million unheard voices!
And to those voices I apologise..for at an age and time when I wasn’t wise enough..I have been part of films that celebrated misogyny..I have mouthed lines that vilified regard for your self respect and I have taken a bow to the claps that ensued. NEVER AGAIN..never again will I let disrespect for women be celebrated in my movies! Yes..I’m an actor and this is my craft! I will whole heartedly trudge the grey and black with characters that possess unhinged moral compasses…but I will never let these men be glorified or their actions justified on screen.Once again..ladies and gentlemen..stand up and applaud for her! Behind the gutsy spunk, there is a vulnerable celebrity who knew well enough what this decision of hers would mean to a life under constant scrutiny. But she also knew..that she had to see it through…for that would set an example..light a torch that will show a path for many to follow!Today she makes a statement..
A statement of extraordinary courage!
Fanboy for life…dear friend..fanboy for life!
Love always,
Kudos to Prithviraj to become the first Malayalam actor to come forward to apologize for misogynistic scripts and dialogues in films.
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