Malayalam actor Mohanlal’s 2016 Dusshera blockbuster Pulimurugan has completed 200 days of its theatrical release at the Kerala Box Office. The action entertainer, which featured the Malayalam superstar in the titular role of a hunter was released on October 7, 2016. Directed by Vysakh and produced by Tomichan Mulakkupadam, Pulimurugan opened to an earth shattering response and the positive reviews from the critics and audience alike which only helped it to have a fantastic run at the Kerala Box Office. It also features Kamalini Mukherjee, Jagapati Babu, Bala, Lal, Vinu Mohan and Namitha.
Crossing 200 theatrical days is an uphill task for every film these days, especially when the original VCD/DVDS of the films are releasing once the film completes 50 theatrical days at the Box Office. But in the case of this Mohanlal film, it has a different story to tell.
Pulimurugan’s original home-videos including Blurray Discs were released on the 150th day of its release. The world TV premiere of the film was done on a popular Malayalam channel on the auspicious occasion of Vishu (April 14). But this did not stop the Mohanlal blockbuster to hit the double century mark at the Kerala Box Office.
Though the film is on its last leg at the Kerala Box Office, the makers have announced the release date of the Tamil dubbed version of Pulimurugan on Sunday, April 30.
The Tamil version of Pulimurugan is slated to be released on 19 May 2017. Interestingly, the film will be released in 3D version across the cinemas of Tamil Nadu. Pulimurugan’s Telugu dubbed version, Manyam Puli, too, was a blockbuster at the Tollywood Box Office.
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