Malayalam superstar Mohanlal’s blockbuster film, Pulimurugan has successfully completed 150 theatrical days on Sunday at the Kerala Box Office. The action entertainer, directed by Vysakh and produced by Tomichan Mulakupadam was released on the auspicious occasion of Dusshera last year. Pulimurugan starred, Mohanlal in the titular role of a hunter, Murugan. The film also starred Kamalini Mukherjee, Lal, Telugu actor Jagapati Babu, Namitha and Vinu Mohan.
To mark the 150 theatrical days celebration, the makers of Pulimurugan had organized a grand function at CIAL Convention Centre, near to the Cochin International Airport, Nedumbassery, Kerala. The star-studded event was attended by entire Pulimurugan team including the lead actor Mohanlal. During the event, the makers had announced that they will be releasing the 3D version of Pulimurugan on 7 April 2017. The makers had also screened the special trailer of the 3D version of Pulimurugan as well . All the chief guests who attended the success party were provided with 3D glasses to watch the trailer of Pulimurugan 3D version.
Upon its release, Pulimurugan has set many records at the Box Office worldwide. The Lalettan starrer also went on to become the first Rs. 100 crore Malayalam grosser as well. The film has minted Rs. 150 crore worldwide to become the third biggest South Indian blockbuster of 2016 after Rajinikanth’s Kabali and Vijay’s Theri. Pulimurugan has been praised for its technical works including the top-notch stunt choreography from Peter Hein.
With the 3D version of Pulimurugan slated to be arrive on 7 April 2017, it will be another interesting battle to witness at the Kerala Box Office as many big Malayalam films are slated to be released on the same period. Dileep starrer Georgettan’s Pooram and Mammootty starrer The Great Father (March 31) are surely going to be affected with the 3D release of Pulimurugan. What’s more? Mohanlal will be clashing with another Mohanlal starrer on April 7 as the actor’s Vishu release 1971 : Beyond Borders is scheduled to hit the screens on the same day.
Tough time ahead for Vishu releases!
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